How can we help?
Our goal is to accelerate and de-risk industrial green hydrogen projects in Europe.
The EGHAC will support and accelerate large scale industrial green hydrogen projects with massive CO2 reduction impact, that kickstart a new green hydrogen economy and create jobs. We consider projects from a value chain perspective and explicitly include the “off-takers” (end customers) in the developments. We focus on hard to abate sectors such as: steel, cement, fertilizer, heavy duty transport, maritime transport.
What can we do for you and how can we collaborate?
Carina Krastel, Commercial Director EGHAC
We help you to de-risk, accelerate time to market and scale up your industrial green hydrogen project through hands-on added value services:
- We leverage our ecosystem to enrich your project with key stakeholders along the value chain and especially with offtakers.
- We leverage our financial community to help you identify private and public investors to get access to financing and reduce cost of capital. To accelerate the matchmaking process, we have recently set-up the Business Investment Platform (BIP).
- We leverage our European positioning to support your project from a regulatory and public financing point of view.
- We leverage our market and technological expertise to support you in your business case development.
If you have additional questions or want to learn more about how we can support your industrial green hydrogen project, please reach out to ME and I will get back to you shortly. Subscribe to our newsletter to be kept informed.
You already have a project in mind that your project could benefit from our support? Please sign up for the Business Investment Platform (BIP). We will get back to you shortly on your project.
We help you identify the best industrial solutions to decarbonize your activities and reduce your (scope 3) emissions through hands-on added value services:
– We leverage our ecosystem to help you identify the right partners and develop a powerful ecosystem to reduce the carbon footprint of your products using green hydrogen (e.g. green steel, cement, plastics). – We support you in developing your premium offer and help you develop the ecosystem and market pull around this offer. – We leverage our European positioning to support your product from a regulatory, public financing point of view. – We leverage our market and technological expertise to support you in the development of a business case maximising project viability.
If you have additional questions or want to learn more about how we can support your decarbonisation efforts, please reach out to ME directly I will get back to you shortly. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated! |
We are keen to start exchanging with you to understand the unique value you bring in building the hydrogen economy. We have a strong network ranging from industry, to start-ups to academia and we are keen to count you among the network.
Please reach out to understand how we can collaborate to accelerate the uptake of the hydrogen economy. Subscribe to our mailinglist in order to stay up-to-date!